Alfredo, La traviata

Virginia Opera, 2015

Photo credit: Lucid Frame Productions

Photo credit: Lucid Frame Productions


"As Violetta’s lover Alfredo, tenor Rolando Sanz nails the personality of the smitten bon vivant. He sings with a natural, compelling tone that is beautiful in his arias and duets. Each vocal pairing is magnificent; especially beautiful is the lovers’ final duet, as Alfredo holds Violetta in their tender farewell lullaby."
B.J. Atkinson, Virginian-Pilot

"The cast sang beautifully, exhibiting great enthusiasm and strong, clear singing. Rolando Sanz as Violetta’s lover Alfredo Germont was superb and his thrilling tenor voice filled the auditorium during the rendition of Libiamo ne’ lieti calici."
Tiffany Draut, DC Metro Theater Arts

"Tenor Rolando Sanz as her adoring lover Alfredo was at his best early on, toasting and inciting the party crowd with a virile “Libiamo” [and] the sweet vocal earnestness of his adoring."
Joan Reinthaler, The Washington Post

"López and tenor Rolando Sanz, as Alfredo Germont, the young man with whom Violetta falls in love, boast powerful, flexible voices. Their ability to bring nuance to character and emotion makes their duets fully entwined musically and dramatically, as well as bringing more than brilliance to their solo arias. With leads of such quality, this hardy perennial of operatic melodrama cuts much deeper than usual."
Clarke Bustard, Letter V

"Lopez sings like an angel and manages a compelling chemistry with tenor Rolando Sanz, as Alfredo. Vocally and as an actor, he elicits our sympathy fully by the time one of opera’s most compelling and protracted death bed scenes begins to unfold."
Roy Proctor, Richmond Times-Dispatch

"Cecilia Lopez and Rolando Sanz as the ill-fated lovers Violetta and Alfredo, respectively, were magical. They created a remarkably real sense of two lovers caught up in a mixing bowl of emotions. That they acted with astute awareness is one thing, that they individually sang with such polish and style quite another."
John Shulson, Virginia Gazette

"As Alfredo, warm-voiced tenor Rolando Sanz offered superb articulation of text and shaped phrases with a refined sense of style."
Tim Smith, Opera News